Doctoral Dissertations

Doctoral Dissertations with Landscape Architecture Concentration
UF Library Archive

Akbar, Morouje, “Measuring the Impact of Urban and Landscape Form and Urban Hydrology on the Streamflow Variation in the U.S.
Blanco, Margarita, “Suarez and Vizcaya: An Italian Garden in a Subtropical Paradise.

Sosa, Lauren, “Landscape Architecture, International Development, and Environmental Ethics.”
Battaglin Ramos, Martha, “The Restorative Urban Realm: A Phychosocial Approach to Construct the Restorative Urban Experiential Landscape.”

Barth, David, “The Adoption of innovation in the Planning and Design Process: Creating High performance Public Spaces that Contribute to Community Sustainability.”

Zhu, Mingjian, “Planning for Sea Level Rise and Land use Change.

Chen, Dan, “Impact of Public Open Space on Single Family Residential Property Values in Alachua County, Florida.”
Zhang, Bo, “The Aesthetic Attributes of Green Infrastructure: a Study of Perceptions of Beauty, Ecological Significance & Naturalness for a Stormwater Treatment Area by Three College Populations with Different Educational Backgrounds.”

Leigh, Meredith, “Beyond the Label: A Typology for Assessment and Mitigation of Disparities in the urban Food Environment.”

Hansen, Gail, “Design Codes for healthy communities: the potential of Form-Based codes to create walkable urban street.”

Sherrod, Alice, “Mandalas in Western Gardens Through History.

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